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Is this the right process for your municipality? 

The Working With Nature (WWN) process is designed to guide small-to-medium- sized municipalities through a process of identifying hazards and risks associated with flood and drought, understanding the natural infrastructure assets that could help mitigate those risks, and then creating a prioritized action plan to maximize the effectiveness of their natural infrastructure assets. 


The process includes group work that is to be completed in scheduled workshops and meetings, as well as individual assignments that are coordinated and managed by your team leader. All steps are supported by free-to-download resources in the Toolkit.


But it’s always hard to tell at the outset if a program or process is right for your municipality!



We’ve created the following Introduction to the Toolkit to help you answer that question, without having to download and review numerous documents and diagrams. Keep the simple WWN Process Flowchart nearby as you read through, as it gives you a single-glance picture of the Working With Nature process.

WWN Process Flowchart

When you get into the details of the Working With Nature process, you find there are workbooks, worksheets, workshops, components, tasks … a lot! It’s all laid out methodically, and all the pieces are even colour-coded. All of those details are included in Getting Started section of the Toolkit.


For now, though, this diagram gives you a single-glance view of the entire flow your community would follow. 

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